Dr. Peggy LaFrance
Department of Nursing, Canton State University of New York, United States
Interests: The learning environment and transformational leadership.
The Life-worlds of children, including bio-psycho-social-emotional, and spiritual components, will be impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic for years to come. Meaningful qualitative and quantitative research is needed to gain a clear understanding of their perceptions of this experience and to identify factors impacting the quality of their lives.
Submission details:
The page limit for research, Review papers is 30-35 pages.
For case studies and commentary or short communications, the page limit is 3-5 Pages.
Authors should follow all preparation guidelines for manuscript submissions Author Guideline . Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal and will be listed together on the special issue website. Author can submit their papers online Submit Manuscript or via our email editor.jcnrc@gexinonline.com