Gexin Publications requires the authors to share relevant data and research works in order to support the results shown in the paper. It needs to be archived in a public repository. We strongly recommend that the data generated by research in support of your article be provided at the earliest, wherever ethically and legally possible. Authors may give a statement of data availability, including an appropriate link to the used repository to allow publishing of the statement in their paper.
The journal offers a scope of getting a preprint to make a version of a particular manuscript available online before the publication of peer review article. It becomes a scientific record and is citable through its unique DOI. The self-archiving and copyright policies of the journal have been classified in Sherpa Romeo.
In order to ensure usability, preservation, and accessibility of content for the longterm, it is important to deposit the published data digitally, which is referred to as archiving. The archiving platform of our journal is Portico. It ensures that the published data is available in the future and is secure.
After an article has been published, it is shared on popular social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter, where it is acknowledged by scholars of the same community. So, we consider the definition of sharing as an act of giving a definite group of people access to the published content through social media platforms by recommending or posting.