Gexin Publication is considered original articles covers the latest developments in the multidisciplinary areas of the Medicine, Biology, Biomedicine and Engineering with its high quality content.
Original Articles
Original articles describe investigations and original research that represent new and significant contributions and advances in the field (see Journal Sections listing for further details).
Editorials are most often solicited by the Editors, and are related to an article published in the same issue. They express the opinions and views of recognized experts on a specific topic.
Letters to The Editor
Letters to the Editor should comment on work previously published in Gexin Publications Journals. Letters must be submitted within 1-2 months of the online publication date of the article discussed in order to be considered. Their publication is based only on the decision of the Editor, who occasionally asks experts on the merit of the contents. The Editor may consider publication of a letter that comments on other matters of interest to subject.
Topic Review Articles
Topic review articles examine major areas or sub-areas in the field of journal. The purpose is to describe new developments, summarize progress or analyze published evidence.
Commentaries are most often solicited by the Editors, and are not related to a specific article. They express the opinions and views of recognized experts on a specific topic. The commentary format may be used for ongoing dialogues, discussions of controversial issues.
Case Reports
Case report articles report on oncology-specific cases. Cases will typically be judged on clinical interest and educational value to the oncology field and NOT novelty or rarity.
Cover Letter
A cover letter should accompany all manuscripts submitted to journal indicating that the manuscript has been submitted essentially to this journal and has not previously been published in any form in another publication of any type, with the exception of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis. The corresponding author should give the undertaking that if any animal/human studies carried was in accordance with their country regulatory and institutional ethical committee with proper registration of the study in the clinical registry
Structure & Presentation
Manuscripts should be submitted in Word file, use a normal, plain font (12-point Times New Roman), italics for emphasis, page numbers included at bottom, uniformly American English. Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages for first submission to reviewer.
Not use honorifics for author names (i.e. PhD, Dr., etc.) .. Maximum page limit is 20-25 pages.
The following rules for handling works by a single author or multiple authors apply to all APA-style references in your reference list, regardless of the type of work (book, article, electronic resource, etc.).
Single Author
Last name first, followed by author initials.
Anderson, D. E. (2007). Reliability of air displacement plethysmography. J Strength Cond Res, 21(1):169-72.
Two Authors
List by their last names and initials. Use the ampersand instead of "and."
Rafaelli, M., & Ontai, L. L. (2004). Gender socialization in Latino/a families: Results from two retrospective studies. Sex Roles, 50(5/6), 287-299.
More Than Seven Authors
List by last names and initials; commas separate author names. After the sixth author's name, use an ellipsis in place of the author names. Then provide the final author name. There should be no more than seven names.
Blustein, E. C., Munn-Chernoff, M. A., Grant, J. D., Sartor, C. E., Waldron, M., Bucholz, K. K., Madden, P. A. (2015). The Association of Low Parental Monitoring With Early Substance Use in European American and African American Adolescent Girls. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 76(6), 852–861.
Organization as Author
Also known as a "corporate author." Here, you simply treat the publishing organization the same way you'd treat the author's name and format the rest of the citation as normal.
American Psychological Association. (2009). Blog guidelines. APA Style Blog. Retrieved from
Unknown Author
Xyz-A collegiate dictionary (10th ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Xyz-A.
NOTE: When your essay includes parenthetical citations of sources with no author named, use a shortened version of the source's title instead of an author's name. Use quotation marks and italics as appropriate. For example, parenthetical citations of the source above would appear as follows: (Xyz-A, 1993).
Introductions, Prefaces, Forewords, and Afterwords
Cite the publishing information about a book as usual, but cite Introduction, Preface, Foreword, or Afterword (whatever title is applicable) as the chapter of the book.
X, X., & Y, Y. (1998). Introduction. In E. W. Ludlow (Ed.), Understanding English grammar (pp. 1-2). Needham, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Guidelines for Human Phenotype and proteins
Guidelines for Human Phenotype–Genotype Association
Refer to existing public domain websites for the Human Gene Ontology name and the number for SNPs, for more information sees:
Guidelines for Proteins and Nucleic Acid Sequences
The authors must provide a statement in the manuscript that protein sequences must be deposited in GenBank or EMBL databases, and an accession number must be obtained. this sequence has been scanned against the database and all sequences with significant relatedness to the new sequence identified, for more information click this Website:
Guidelines for Genomic and Proteomic Studies
Data should follow the MIAME checklist, for more information see:
For the NCBI gene expression and hybridization array data repository; see
Once manuscript acceptance the editor office will ask, you to supply a Word file of the final version of your paper with all figures cited in original place. You must ensure that the file has been updated to incorporate all revisions.
Pay publication services by credit card, debit card, paypal or request an Invoice and will be asked to supply your billing card information. A number of institutions and funders financially support their investigators publishing open access articles with Gexin journals.